Cats care

Can cats eat dog food? Is dog food bad for cats? - BestPawShop

Can cats eat dog food? Is dog food bad for cats?

It can be amusing to watch your cat adamantly eating from your dog’s plate, but should you let your cat eat the dog food? The answer is probably a big...

Can cats eat dog food? Is dog food bad for cats?

It can be amusing to watch your cat adamantly eating from your dog’s plate, but should you let your cat eat the dog food? The answer is probably a big...

10 Indoor Plants that are Safe for Cats - BestPawShop

10 Indoor Plants that are Safe for Cats

Most Cat Parents are aware that several ornamental houseplants are toxic to cats. The list of safer house plants for cats is relatively less. As cats naturally tend to chew...

10 Indoor Plants that are Safe for Cats

Most Cat Parents are aware that several ornamental houseplants are toxic to cats. The list of safer house plants for cats is relatively less. As cats naturally tend to chew...